Drupal Commons report
I attended an Acquia webinar last week on Drupal Commons. There will be a recording of it here shortly (look for November 11 2010). Drupal Commons is a pre packaged Drupal 6 (D6) distribution by Acquia. It includes an install profile, a patched D6 core, a set of community sourced modules, some Acquia modules and a Drupal Commons core (glue) module. Drupal Commons goal is to provide an out of the box community building solution based on Drupal. It requires a lot of memory (128MB to PHP minimum) and runs heavy. A D7 release is on the cards but has no release date - too many modules require D7 ports at this stage. Here are a list of modules broken down into feature sets: Content / Collaboration
- OG (organic groups)
- Shoutbox
- Tagadelic
- Drupal Wiki
- Freelinking
- Profiles (core)
- CCK (content types)
- Discussions
- + 10 more
- Profiles (core)
- Relationships (friending)
- Heartbeat
- Userpoints (reputation) but not Badges (though that's possible)
- Flags (bookmarks)
- Panels + Context (custom layout per path)
- Apache SOLR (filters for search)
- Acquia Search (from Acquia Network Subscription - a pay service - for faceted results and content recommendation)
- Quant + Charting
- Featured
- Admin menu
- CTools
- Calendar, Date and Time
- Flags
- Messaging + Notifications
- Strongarm (configuration in code)
- Token
- Skinr (theming)
- Rules
- Vertical Tabs (theming)
- jQuery UI (theming)
Features not in Commons but requested (contribute to http://commons.acquia.com/ to add your vote)
- Projects
- Subgroups
- per group layout
- per group content types
- Homebox (user level dashboard)
- community tagging
- popular content block
- private messaging
- document management
Acquia offer Commons open and as a managed service, as an implementation service and with their network subscription.